
Showing posts from July, 2020

Home Works Energy

Today, I had a call with a HomeWorks Energy , a Mass Save contractor, to talk about potential partnership opportunities with the Climate Reality Project Boston Metro chapter.

Climate Reality Rhode Island?

Today, I joined a call with some recently trained Climate Reality leaders who are thinking of starting up a Rhode Island chapter. We shared some tips about the Boston Metro chapter and hopefully sparked them to go through. Today, I also joined the second meeting of the Rocky Mountain Institute’s Electrification Acceleration cohort. We had a good discussion about next steps since the Massachusetts Attorney General’s recent decision to overturn Brookline’s electrification bylaw .

Area Code

Today, I made a donation to Area Code , an art fair featuring contemporary artists with ties to New England — during a pandemic. Looking forward to celebrating the creative community despite these times.

CRWA Board Meeting

Today, I joined a board meeting for the Charles River Watershed Association, principally to talk about our 2021 budget.

Somerville Stands Together coalition meeting

Today, I joined a call with the Somerville Stands Together coalition. We’re still, slowly but surely, planning our labor climate summit.

Climate Reality training day 8

Today, I joined as a mentor the eighth day of the Climate Reality Project’s first ever online global training. There was a livestream, then I sat on a panel of chapter chairs and led a discussion about the chapters for a number of trainees.

Save Your Cinema

Today, I took action to help save the country’s movie theaters . I wrote to my Congressional representatives to ask them to ensure that theaters like the Brattle Theatre get federal support to get them through the coronavirus lockdown.

Climate Reality training day 6

Today, I joined as a mentor the sixth day of the Climate Reality Project’s first ever online global training. There was no livestream today. But because our table time was cut short on Sunday and Wednesday, I scheduled an optional mentoring session, which three mentees were able to join for a great conversation.

Climate Reality training day 5

Today, I joined as a mentor the fifth day of the Climate Reality Project’s first ever online global training. The livestream went long, so unfortunately, my table time with mentees got cut short again. I’ve added an optional session tomorrow just in case.

MCAN Development Committee

Today, I joined a weekly MCAN Development Committee call. We’re meeting frequently so we can come up with a Development Plan that the board can sink its teeth into.

Climate Reality training day 3

Today, I joined as a mentor the third day of the Climate Reality Project’s first ever online global training. I kept up alongside my mentees by watching a few on-demand videos.

Climate Reality training day 2

Today, I joined as a mentor the second day of the Climate Reality Project’s first ever online global training. The livestream ran long today, so my table time with mentees was cut a little short. But I’m keeping in touch by email and all the mentees seem very engaged.

Climate Reality training day 1

Today, I joined as a mentor the first day of the Climate Reality Project’s first ever online global training. There was a livestream, followed by a great conversation with my table, with 14 mentees showing up.

Climate Reality training prep

Today, I spent some time reviewing material for the upcoming Climate Reality Project global virtual training, so I could better serve as a mentor. I also followed up on several inquiries from mentees and got organized with a peer group of mentors so we could keep up with all the questions.

Climate Reality training day reception

Today, I hosted a Climate Reality Project Boston Metro chapter reception for incoming attendees of the Climate Reality Project’s first ever global virtual training. Great turnout with over 40 people joining.

Open Borders by Bryan Caplan

Today, I attended a virtual talk by Bryan Caplan, drawing on his book Open Borders . It was a fascinating discussion of the economics of immigration. It was also a fundraiser for St Mark Community Education Program (SMCEP) a non-profit that helps immigrants become U.S. citizens.

Climate Reality Mentor meeting

Today, I joined a call with fellow mentors for the upcoming Climate Reality Project global virtual training. This is a first for all us, so we all have a lot of questions, but we also have a great Mentor Lead, who will serve as our liaison for the training.

Climate Coalition of Somerville meeting

Today, I attended the monthly meeting of the Climate Coalition of Somerville. We had a few agenda items, of course, and we also spoke with Anna Callahan, a candidate to represent a portion of Somerville in the Statehouse.

Climate Reality chapter leads call

Today, I joined the Climate Reality Project’s monthly call for chapter leads. With the global virtual training coming up, it was good to hear from national how the plans were shaping up.

Climate Activist support group

Today, I joined a group of climate activists in a support group, to share how we’re doing and support one another. It was more self-care than activism. Great session; we’ll keep this up monthly or so.

Better buildings and real estate

Today, I sat down with another climate advocate to talk about how we can continue to advocate for better buildings in the real estate market. We’ve got big plans, probably too much for the two of us, but we’re working on it.

Climate Reality catch-up

Today, I had a check-in call with the Climate Reality Metro Boston chapter liaison with the national organization.

Global Training: Mentor Pre-Training Webinar

Today, I joined the first briefing for mentors in the upcoming Climate Reality Project global virtual training, pre-training webinar. This is the first time they’re doing this virtually, so we’re learning as we’re going along. Today, I also joined a call for our Least Developed Countries Fund advocacy. Today, I also chaired the monthly meeting of the Somerville Commission on Energy Use and Climate Change.

MCAN Development Committee

Today, I joined a call with the MCAN board’s Development Committee, so we can start building a development plan for the organization.

Mystic River Watershed Association

Today, I made a donation to the Mystic River Watershed Association. It’s the lead organization for some regional climate adaptation programs that cover parts of Somerville. And, of course, it hosts the herring monitor citizen science volunteering program .

St. Mark Community Education Program

Today, I made a donation to the St. Mark Community Education Program , an organization that provides English-language and citizenship education programs for adult immigrants and their families.

Beyond the Board Statement: How Can Boards Join the Movement for Racial Justice

Today, I listened to a recording of the second session of the Nonprofit Quarterly’s “Beyond the Board Statement: How Can Boards Join the Movement for Racial Justice?” The event was actually this past Monday, but I couldn’t join and hadn’t had the chance to catch up until today.

Climate Reality Boston leadership call

Today, I joined our monthly Climate Reality Boston leadership call. We set some plans to have a reception for incoming Climate Reality trainees, before the online training in two weeks.

Reading Frederick Douglass together

Today, I joined a Zoom call hosted by the Somerville Museum and the Somerville Media Center, during which the edited community reading of “Reading Frederick Douglass together” was broadcast. I recorded a segment, so it was good to see the whole piece come together. It was followed by an amazing talk by Keidrick Roy, a Harvard doctoral student, on race in America.

ELM Action Fund

Today, I made a donation to the ELM Action Fund , a PAC aligned with the Environmental League of Massachusetts.