Good neighbors

They say good fences make good neighbors. So do good shovels, I hope.

Today, I shoveled out two neighbors from the snowstorm that pummeled Boston yesterday. As I was clearing the sidewalk outside my house this morning, one neighbor stepped outside with her baby, and headed to her car. Her driveway was already cleared – thanks to our great neighbors, Redbones restaurant and their dedicated staff (and snowblowers) – but the curb cut was plowed over. So I immediately moved over and cleared the snow so she could get out. Then, as I cleared my own driveway, I was sure to dig out and clear the snow off of my other neighbor’s car; we share a driveway.

That’s just being neighborly. But the real heroes are at Redbones. They were snow blowing sidewalks all day yesterday, through the heart of the storm. We ate there last night, as the storm was dying down, in appreciation of their effort.


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