Arts Matter Advocacy Day

MASSCreative works with the arts, cultural and creative community to advocate for the resources and support necessary for the creative sector to thrive in Massachusetts.  On Arts Matter Advocacy Day – today – MASSCreative is bringing together the creative community for Arts Matter Advocacy Day to show our state political leaders that arts matter in Massachusetts. Here’s more:

Arts Matter Advocacy Day supports MASSCreative’s campaigns to increase the MCC budget, establish a public art program at state owned properties, and increase student participation in arts education. On January 25, Gov. Baker released his FY2018 budget with a recommendation to fund the state’s investment in arts and culture at $14.3 million. In the coming weeks, the House and Senate will release their respective budgets. Because of the positive impact that arts and culture has on the quality of life in every community across the Commonwealth, as the budget process proceeds to the Legislature, we will urge lawmakers to support a $16 million allocation for the arts in Massachusetts.

Today, I endorsed MASSCreative’s campaign and joined in their efforts. I couldn’t be there in person, which is a shame because the program looks really interesting. But the creative community is vital to Greater Boston and I want to support best I can.


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