Climate Reality Leaders training, day 1

Today was the first day of the Climate Reality Project Leadership Corps training. It was a long day, but pretty inspiring. Among other things we did today, I got to experience Al Gore run through his continuously updated Inconvenient Truth deck. His goal was to address three questions: 1) Must we change, 2) Can we change, 3) Will we change. His answers of course were yes, yes and yes. He spent 90 minutes on question 1, 20 minutes on question 2 and 10 minutes on question 3, which felt unbalanced but was still amazing. And, yes, the thought of sitting through a two-hour PowerPoint presentation seems daunting; Gore’s got it down.

There were 800 participants in the room and when this training is over, there’ll be over 12,500 trained climate reality leaders. I don’t feel like I’m trained to give a two-hour presentation but I’ll take a few talking points away. And I’ll feel honored to be among this group. I met folks from all walks of life from teachers and students, to firefighters and emergency room doctors. It feels truly grassroots which is exciting.


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