Citizens Climate Lobby

I learn about new climate-related advocacy and activism groups quite frequently. Many are duplicative, of course, and many are a bit all over map in terms of the issues they try to address. Not so for the Citizens Climate Lobby. Citizens Climate Lobby is singularly focused on legislation for carbon pricing, which is possibly the best lever to transform the economy by simply internalizing the cost of carbon emissions. They’re involved in legislation on both federal and state levels.

Today, I sat in on a talk by James Booth, from the Citizens Climate Lobby Metro-West chapter. (It’s all volunteer-driven on the chapter level.) It was great to hear more specifics about their particular proposal, which combines a carbon fee with a 100% per capita rebate to households with a border adjustment tax. But it was equally valuable to discuss with him the Massachusetts bills that are currently in committee. I subsequently signed up with the Citizens Climate Lobby, which I’ll get involved with when I can.


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