Letter to the Editor
I’m surprised that I haven’t done more writing as part of One Civic Act, seeing that I’m a communications consultant. I intend for that to change in the near future. Today, I drafted a letter to the editor of the Boston Globe, in response to this article on climate resilience for the Mystic River. I’m trying to follow through on the guidelines put out by the 350 Mass Cambridge node, which has an amazingly organized team that sources articles to respond to, edits letters and helps writers submit them. Ultimately, however, I never really finished my letter. There’s a certain rhythm to good letters to the editor that I haven’t quite captured yet and I ran out of time. (Letters are best submitted same day so it wasn’t something I could go back to.) But I’m probably over-thinking it, too. It was a good exercise and I’ll get the next one done for sure.
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