Where We Live: A Benefit for the Survivors in Las Vegas

The shooting in Las Vegas last October 1 killed 58 people and injured over 500 others, all simply trying to enjoy a music concert. I don’t think I’ve acknowledged that shooting in this blog, but it’s not because it hasn’t been on my mind. It has to end. Today, I bought a graphic novel from Image Comics called Where We Live: A Benefit for the Survivors in Las Vegas. All proceeds from the book will go to survivors of the shooting. Here’s what the curating editor writes:

What happened here in Las Vegas that awful night does not have to say here in Las Vegas. There have been so many deaths and wounds from gun violence across our country to make us all sick. We have to ask ourselves as a society ‘how many Sandy Hooks or Sutherland Springs or Las Vegas or Parkland incidents have to occur befe we say enough is enough?’ …

But yet, we somehow have found ourselves living in this nightmare of our own making. I often hear it referred to as the ‘new normal.’ I’m sorry there is nothing ‘normal’ about this. It’s an abnormality that is symptomatic of deeper issues we have to face.

I’ll read this with a heavy heart.


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