Debate: Capuano versus Pressley


I live in the Massachusetts Seventh Congressional District. Since 1998, Mike Capuano has represented the district in Washington (if you include the redistricting in 2013). He has has been member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus from its early days, and has a reputation as a hard-nosed negotiator and staunch advocate. He’s learned how to deliver for his district, and how to move legislation through Washington. I should add that he’s also the former mayor of Somerville.

Capuano faces a primary challenger this year, former Boston City Councilor Ayanna Pressley. She’s an impressive candidate. The candidates acknowledge that they are ideologically similar. Capuano stresses his experience and his advocacy. Pressley wants to bring community organizing to the role and the need for women and people of color to have a voice in Congress.

Today, I watched a debate between the two. There’s a recap in the Boston Globe, if you don’t want to watch the full hour. I for one remained convinced that Capuano’s experience and track record is more compelling than Pressley’s potential.



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